THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCHHer Doctrine and MoralsTwenty-Fourth (Last) Sunday after Pentecost20 November 2022 |
The SundaySermon
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Dear Friends in Christ,
With today's Gospel (St. Matthew 24, 15-35), Our Holy Mother, the Church, draws our attention to a broader view of life. We look back to the things that led up to the destruction of Jerusalem; we look upon the things presently happening in the world around us; we look forward to the return of Jesus at the End of this World and the renewed earth that we long for. God's design in our creation, redemption, salvation, resurrection, and eternal life or death is placed before us so that we may look within ourselves to find our current place in this Divine Plan.
Jerusalem rejected Jesus, the Son of God, and was destroyed. The holy sacrifices and offerings of the Old Testament ceased with the destruction of Jerusalem and its priesthood. The holy Temple of Jerusalem was abandoned with the ceasing of these sacrifices. There is no need for a Temple if there are no more sacrifices. The Temple (holy place) was therefore made desolate. In place of the sacrifices God demanded, pagan idolatry entered, and the Holy Place became an abomination. The early Catholics witnessed this "abomination of desolation" and fled from the Temple and the city of Jerusalem. This was their salvation because Rome soon besieged Jerusalem and the Temple, turning it into ruins.
This was the end of one generation of believers and the beginning of a new era. Catholics are part of this new generation. This generation of true believers will continue to the End of Time when Jesus returns in all His glory.
We can learn much from the world around us if we pay attention. We see that life in this world begins, matures, and dies. In the Old Testament, we see the creation of this world and man. In Jesus, we see His birth, growth, death, resurrection, and ascension. In the New Testament, we see the progression of this same pattern. The Church was born, has grown to fill the earth, and appears to be declining nowadays.
While we focus on the large picture of God's plan and look upon our part these days, we must also remember to consider our personal spiritual lives. We begin with Baptism and advance with the other Sacraments. We are the Temples of the Holy Ghost. What is the state of our bodies and souls? Have we become temples of abomination and desolation? Or are we living temples of the eternal God?
Jesus points out the signs of impending destruction of sin and evil and the glorious resurrection and life that await those who are faithful to Him. The world and the devils tempt us with false prophets and false Christs. There is a plethora of "Christian" religions to choose from, each claiming to have the truth and the way to eternal happiness with Jesus in Heaven. We are told to beware! The devils inspire religions with "secrets" and promises of easier ways to find happiness. There is no magic or secrets in True Religion. The teachings of Jesus have spread over the earth, fulfilling His directive to the Apostles to teach all nations all that He had taught them. Those that believe and are baptized will be saved. Those who would modify, change and adapt the teachings of the true Church are attempting to change the teachings of Jesus and are, therefore, false prophets and false Christs.
The false churches work very many signs and wonders to deceive the elect if that were possible. We should understand that feelings and sentiments are easily manipulated or falsified. Emotionalism and sensationalism seem to be the spirituality of today. Religions that cater to our fallen natures caressing our egos to make us feel good, are demonically inspired. The religion that Jesus gave us is one of self-sacrifice and perseverance. He teaches us that we must deny ourselves daily, take up our cross and follow Him. Our present physical discomfort is the means to atone for our sins and follow Jesus. This is not an evil to be avoided at any cost but rather a great good to be welcomed as we look forward to our comfort and rest in eternity.
It is lonely when we follow Jesus to Calvary, and the rest of the world appears to be out having a good time. However, the tables will be turned in eternity as those who suffered and followed Jesus in this world will be welcomed into Heaven to enjoy the Presence and company of God eternally; At the same time, those who rejoiced and sought pleasure in this life will find an eternity filled with pain, suffering, and loss.
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